A Paradise Shellduck, male, flying past at speed. Taken near Nugget Point in the Catlins, New Zealand.
Two pied stilts working along the beach. Taken near Nugget Points in the Catlins, New Zealand.
Shorebird grey seagulls all clustering on the beach near Nugget Point in the Catlins, New Zealand.
An adult Australasian Gannet close up. Taken at the Cape Kidnappers Gannet Colony near Napier, New Zealand.
An Australasian Gannet soaring near their colony at Cape Kidnappers in Napier, New Zealand.
An adult Australasian Gannet returning to a nest bearing seaweed. They collect it off the sea and use it as nesting material.
One Tern flying past keeping a close eye on the photographers in the region. Shot near Mt Cook in Tasman Valley, New Zealand.
A Tomtit or South Island Robin watching the local photographers kick up lots of tasty insect food for it. Taken near Twizel in the South Island.
A talkative Oyster Catcher bird and fairly curious. Seen during sunrise on the rocks. Taken near Kaikoura in the South Island, New Zealand.
A duckling on the grass with its mother. Both birds were hopeful for bird food as the reserve provides bags of food. Taken at Nga Manu Reserve in Kapiti, New Zealand.
Ducks enjoying the afternoon sun on a fairly algae covered pond section in the Nga Manu Reserve up Kapiti way, New Zealand.
A Grey Heron flying past. A nervous bird this was very carefully keeping away from everyone, including me. Taken near Nugget Point in the Catlins, New Zealand.

NZ Native duck floating on the water. Taken at Zealandia in Wellington, New Zealand.

Stitchbird or Hihi. Taken at Zealandia in Wellington, New Zealand.

Californian Quail strutting by. Taken at Zealandia in Wellington, New Zealand.

Tui resting on a flax after gorging for a bit on flax flower nectar. Thus the pollen stuck to it's head. Taken at Zealandia in Wellington, New Zealand.