An Avro Anson on display as part of the Wings Over Wairarapa display in 2021.
Part of the Wings Over Wairarapa 2021 display this is a trainer two seat spitfire taking off to perform a display.

Seen at the 2015 Wings Over Wairarapa this is a Yak52 doing a low display pass over the airfield.

Wings Over Wairarapa 2015 with a display flight of a BF109.

A still flying DC3 decked out in Royal NZ Air Force colours coming in for a landing.

The very recognisable De Havilland Vampire soaring through a clear blue sky. This has been used as an album cover for a local band.
A Yak 3, known as 'Full Noise', on aerobatic display. You can see the propwash corkscrewing through the air pulling the plane along.
Taking off to get into the display, one Fokker DR1 Triplane with a happy pilot in it. Flown from Hood Aerodrome in Masterton as part of Wings Over Wairarapa 2021.
A special treat for the 2021 display at Wings Over Wairarapa was the flypast of the B.U.F.F. or the B52 Stratofortress. The pilots had to make a fairly long flight, something like 14 hours, to appear over the aerodrome and the plane couldn't land. So it was two passes and done.

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX. Banking against the clouds is the very recognisable Spitfire. A mid war model this featured one of the more powerful engines coupled with the maneuverability that the plane was famous for.

I got a chance to fly in one of the two remaining operational Catalina flying boats. Used for reconnaissance these had two observation blisters to the back of the plane with an outstanding view from them.

C130 Hercules Prop and Wing. A C130 Hercules in a ground display at the Air Force Tattoo in 2017 at Ohakea air force base.

C-17A Globemaster III nose profile. This US operated Globemaster was open to the public to let people see the size of the cargo bay and shear size of the plane. Part of the Ohakea Air Force Tattoo of 2017.

F16 reaching for the sky on afterburner. Taken at the Ohakea base during the Air Force Tattoo in 2017.

A P51 Mustang doing a bank past the crowd at Wings Over Wairarapa 2015.

A military trainer aircraft, for the RNZAF, the T-6C Texan II is displayed fairly frequently here. Seen here at Wings Over Wairarapa in 2015.

Aerobatic display maneuvers with smoke as the plane does a stall turn.

Part of the Roaring 40s display team these Harvard planes are doing formation flight. Always a fun team to watch this was at Wings Over Wairapa 2015.

Catalina with it's wing pontoons deployed flying past. This is one of only two operational Catalina's left.

P40 Kittyhawks flying in display formation.